逆境砺志 志存高远郭天财1953年出生在河南济源一个普通农民家庭,家庭贫寒,自幼喜欢学习,从小学到高中一直是班里优秀生。他家离高中有20多公里,他都是起早贪黑步行去上学。为了减轻家里负担,他常常到山上打柴卖柴挣学费。艰苦的农村生活,使他养成了吃苦耐劳、勤奋刻苦、倔犟的性格。1974年他高中毕业被保送
Tough ambition Zhiqiang Gao Guo Tiancai Born in 1953 in Jiyuan, Henan Province, an ordinary peasant family, poor family, since childhood, like to learn, from primary to high school has been a class of outstanding students. His family is more than 20 kilometers away from high school, he is walking from dawn to go to school. In order to reduce the burden on his family, he often goes to the mountains to earn money for firewood. Hard rural life, so that he developed a hard-working, hardworking, stubborn character. He was escorted in high school in 1974