一、多伦多大学的戏剧活动多伦多大学是加拿大的最高学府之一,不少中国同学戏称该校为加拿大的“北大”。多大在1993年共拥有55130名注册学生。正如校方常常宣称的那样: 多大立校的历史就如加拿大立国的历史一般长。我校源起于160年前的上加拿大时期。我们从彼时便长足进步,发展壮大。如今多大堪称世界级超级大学之一。我们拥有230幢建筑,具备一切必要的设施,可以名符其实地称之为大学城。——1993年招生广告这样一家规模宏大、体系齐备的大学,不可
First, the University of Toronto drama Toronto University is one of the highest in Canada, many Chinese students dubbed the school Canada’s “Peking University.” In 1993 there were 55,130 registered students. As the school often declares: How old is the history of Canada? My school originated 160 years ago during the Upper Canadas. We have made great strides since then and have grown stronger. How big is today a world-class super university. We have 230 buildings with all the necessary facilities that we can literally call University City. - 1993 admissions ad such a large, well-equipped universities, not