如同历史上历次重大社会变革一样,开15年 来中国改革之先河的农村改革,也注定未能绕过 这样一个必经之“坎”:改革所引发的问题甚至比 改革所解决的问题还多,还复杂。 不是么? 自从中国不再为姓“社”还是姓“资”之类的争】 论所困扰,将改革的罗盘定位于社会主义市场经 济这一目标后,一度踯躅不前的农村改革,又实现 了一系列新的突破: 粮食随行就市的买与卖,不再是天方夜谭,而 已成为如今中国绝大部分地区活生生的现实。在 市场上流通达数十年的粮票,已成为古董收藏家 所追逐的东西; 人们考虑农业问题的视野,不再局限于庄稼
Like the previous major social changes in history, the rural reforms that have taken the lead in China’s reform over the past 15 years are also destined to fail to circumvent such an inevitable “hurdle”: the problems caused by the reform are even more than the problems resolved by the reform, It is complicated. Not since? China has no longer the “social” or “capital” like the controversy over the theory of distress, the reform of the compass set in the socialist market economy this goal, the once-sluggish rural reform, It has also achieved a series of new breakthroughs: the purchase and sale of food along the market is no longer a fantasy, and has now become a living reality in most areas of China today. Food stamps that have been in circulation for decades in the market have become something that antique collectors are chasing; people consider the horizons of agricultural problems no longer confined to crops