临床应用羟乙基淀粉代血浆,过敏反应较少见。笔者遇到2例,现报道如下。病例1:患者女,36岁。既往有链霉素过敏史、心肌供血不足史四年。因头晕、急性胃肠炎收住入院,当天输入代血浆(济南益民制药厂产)。输入约150ml 左右,病人突感腰疼剧烈,继之头痛,全身不适伴疼痛、发冷、寒战,体温升至39.5℃。即刻更换液体给予5%、10%葡萄糖、5%碳酸氢钠、生理盐水,静推地塞米松、异丙嗪,杜冷丁症状缓解,体温降至37.6℃。夜间患者出现呕吐,呈非喷射状,腹泻呈水样便,少尿、血压下降为10/6.7kPa。对症治疗四天后血压恢复至14/10kPa,化验室各项检查均正常后出院。随访:记忆力明显减退。
Clinical application of hydroxyethyl starch on behalf of the plasma, allergic reactions are rare. I encountered two cases are reported below. Case 1: Female patient, 36 years old. Past history of streptomycin allergy, myocardial insufficiency for four years. Due to dizziness, admitted to hospital for acute gastroenteritis, the same day input generation plasma (Jinan Yimin Pharmaceutical Factory production). About 150ml of input, the patient suddenly felt back pain severe, followed by headache, general malaise with pain, chills, chills, body temperature rose to 39.5 ℃. Immediate replacement of liquid to give 5%, 10% glucose, 5% sodium bicarbonate, saline, intravenous dexamethasone, promethazine, pethidine relieve symptoms, body temperature dropped to 37.6 ℃. Nighttime patients with vomiting, non-jet-like, diarrhea was watery urine, oliguria, blood pressure dropped to 10 / 6.7kPa. Symptomatic treatment four days after the blood pressure returned to 14 / 10kPa, laboratory tests were normal after discharge. Follow-up: memory was significantly reduced.