由于受季风气候的影响,玉米生长期间降雨量较大,降雨时间比较集中,因而玉米的涝害时有发生。了解玉米的耐涝特性及涝害对玉米生长发育的影响,对于防止玉米涝害及灾后的田间管理具有重要指导意义。 一、玉米的耐涝特性 总的来看,玉米的耐涝能力低于水稻、高梁和大豆,但高于小麦、小豆和豌豆。就不同生育时期来看,拔节前的耐涝能力低于拔节后,其
Due to the influence of the monsoon climate, rainfall during maize growth is relatively large and the rainfall time is relatively concentrated, so waterlogging of corn occurs from time to time. Understanding the waterlogging resistance of maize and the impact of waterlogging on the growth and development of maize have important guiding significance for preventing waterlogging and field management after maize. First, the waterlogging characteristics of corn Overall, the waterlogging tolerance of corn is lower than rice, sorghum and soybeans, but higher than wheat, adzuki beans and peas. At different stages of growth, the waterlogging tolerance before jointing is lower than that after jointing