在广西阳朔县高田乡,传诵着乡个体劳动协会副主任刘梅先老汉积极协助乡税务所护税的动人事迹。 刘老汉今年63岁,喜听广播,爱看报纸。今年初以来,《中国税务》、《广西税务》杂志成了老汉的重点学习资料,对一时琢磨不透、把握不准的问题,他便带着报刊找税务所同志咨询释疑,直到把问题搞清楚才罢休。刘老汉不仅迷上了念“税经”,他还迷上了讲“税经”,经常组织乡镇里的个体工商户学习新税
In Tianzhu County, Yangshuo County, Guangxi Province, Liu Meixian, former deputy director of the Individual Labor Association of the People’s Commune, actively moved the moving deeds of taxation and tax protection in his township. Liu Laohan, 63, likes listening to the radio and loves newspapers. Since the beginning of this year, the “China Taxation” and “Guangxi Taxation” magazines have become the focus of learning materials for the old man. For a moment they can not figure it out and are not allowed to do so. Clearly give up. Liu Lahan not only fell in love with the “tax class,” he was hooked on the “tax”, often organized individual township businesses learning new tax