TNF-α inhibitors and tocilizumab do not influence hepatic steatosis in patients with rheumatoid arth

来源 :World Journal of Rheumatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yunkang0820
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AIM: To investigate the influence, if any, of tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-α inihibitors and Tocilizumab, on hepatic steatosis(HS) in rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients in the light of the known role of TNF-α and interleukin-6, which are key-cytokines in the pathogenesis of RA, in inducing HS in general population.METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical charts of 36 RA patients, out of whom 12 had been treated with Methotrexate(MTX), 12 with TNF inhibitors ± MTX and 12 with Tocilizumab ± MTX. The 3 subgroups of patients matched each other for sex, age, body mass index, metabolic syndrome(MS) and other risk factors for atherosclerosis. At baseline and after 12 mo each patient underwent an abdominal ultrasonog-raphy for the assessment of presence of HS and the evaluation of its grade.RESULTS: No difference was detected either in the prevalence of HS or in that of its distinct grades between the 3 groups of patients at baseline. After 12 mo, the HS grade unchanged in 20 patients(7 subjects treated with MTX, 7 with TNF-α inhibitors ± MTX and 6 Tocilizumab ± MTX); increased in 12 patients(4 subjects treated with MTX, 4 TNF-α blockers ± MTX and 4 Tocilizumab ± MTX); decreased in 4(1 treated with MTX, 1 with anti-TNF-α + MTX and 2 with TCZ ± MTX(P = 0.75). No correlation was found between getting remission or low disease activity and the course of either MS or HS.CONCLUSION: We failed to detect any influence of MTX ± TNF-α inhibitors or Tocilizumab in reducing MS and HS. A prospective study is needed to clarify the topic. AIM: To investigate the influence, if any, of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -alpha inhibitors and Tocilizumab, on hepatic steatosis (HS) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients in the light of the known role of TNF-a and interleukin- 6, which are key-cytokines in the pathogenesis of RA, in inducing HS in general population. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical charts of 36 RA patients, out of whom 12 had been treated with Methotrexate (MTX), 12 with TNF inhibitors † MTX and 12 with Tocilizumab ± MTX. The 3 subgroups of patients matched each other for sex, age, body mass index, metabolic syndrome (MS) and other risk factors for atherosclerosis. At baseline and after 12 mo each patient underwent an abdominal ultrasonog -raphy for the assessment of presence of HS and the evaluation of its grade .RESULTS: No difference was detected either in the prevalence of HS or in that of its distinct differential between the 3 groups of patients at baseline. After 12 mo, the HS grade unchanged in 20 patient (7 subjects treated with MTX, 7 with TNF-α inhibitors ± MTX and 6 Tocilizumab ± MTX); increased in 12 patients (4 subjects treated with MTX, 4 TNF-α blockers ± MTX and 4 Tocilizumab ± MTX); decreased in 4 (1 treated with MTX, 1 with anti-TNF-α + MTX and 2 with TCZ ± MTX (P = 0.75). No correlation was found between getting remission or low disease activity and the course of either MS or HS. We failed to detect any influence of MTX ± TNF-α inhibitors or Tocilizumab in reducing MS and HS. A prospective study is needed to clarify the topic.
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