假如你有10万元,你将怎样花? 你也许盖房子、买彩电,或许存银行、放高利贷。 可是,他却不要分文利息地借给农民购种、买肥,扶持农民养牛、养羊。 他,就是公主岭市二十家子满族镇解放村的农民、被四平市委和公主岭市委授予“优秀共产党员”称号的潘刚。 1981年,潘刚从部队复员后,怀着建设家乡的美好愿望,回到了解放村三屯。当时正赶上农村实行家庭联产承包责任制,乡亲们把希望寄托在这个血气方刚的小伙子身上,推选他当了一屯之长。
If you have 10 million, how would you spend? You may build a house, buy color TV, or deposit bank, usury. However, he did not borrow interest-free loans to peasants to buy and buy fertilizer to support peasants to raise cattle and raise sheep. He is a peasant in the liberated village of Manchu town of 20 families in Gongzhuling and was awarded the title of “Outstanding Communist Party member” by Siping Municipal Committee and Gongzhuling Municipal Committee. In 1981, after Pan Gang’s demobilization from the army, he returned to San Tuen, a liberated village, with the good wishes of building a hometown. At that time, catch up with the rural family contract responsibility system, the folks who pin their hopes on this fierce boy, elected him as a leader.