The attribution of law includes the ownership of right object, the ownership of right, the ownership of property and the ownership of personal body, all of which ultimately appear as the ownership of rights. The main body of their own rights, there is no distinction between attribution and non-ownership. The rights of subject matter and intellectual achievements can be divided into ownership, non-ownership, and the right of use to others. The right of attribution is the right that the object of right belongs to the subject of right and the right of power is complete. The subject of right enjoys the full act qualification of the object within the scope permitted by law and is the right to control oneself 's thing independently. Non-attribution is the right that the object of rights does not belong to the main body of rights, the power is not perfect, the main body of rights enjoys the qualification of imperfect act to the object within the scope permitted by the law, and is the right to control the “thing ” of others independently. Permission to use other people's right to use objects is the right to use other people's objects, the use of objects belonging to others, nor is the right to use the object of the user, the user must use the subject of the object owner's will to use the subject matter, but the value of the exchange of rights attributable to user.