Through the analysis of “Journey to the West”, an animated version of the three countries in Japan, South Korea, this paper explores the regulatory role of cultural differences in the cross-border transmission of literary works. China’s animated version of Journey to the West has a more traditional character image, social panorama, musical background and storytelling, and follows a strict hierarchical system in character relations. Moreover, conflict setting and conflict resolution tend to favor the ability to overcome Everything "point of view. On the contrary, Japan adopted bold innovations in the adaptation of the literary works of Journey to the West to create a unique story of the characters and to use novel expressions. The relationship between characters expresses the modern idea of equality for all and resolves the conflicts The way is also more peaceful. South Korea is at a neutral position in the cultural dimensions of the three countries. Therefore, when the animations of literature are adapted, there are many characteristics such as the coexistence of tradition and innovation, the weakening of the hierarchical relations among the characters and the harmonization of content settings.