1概述癫痫持续状态(status epilepticus,sE)又称癫痫状态,即癫痫发作频繁出现,以至于患者在一次发作后意识尚不能完全恢复的情况下,又进入了下一次发作。通常将一次癫痫发作或一系列的癫痢发作超过30 min称为sE,但临床上对超过5~10 min的全面强直一阵挛发作(GTCS)也视为sEll_I。SE有许多病因,与年龄有很大的关系。儿童SE最常见的原因是热惊厥或感染伴发热所致,其次是全身疾病或抗癫痫药物用量不足。成人sE以脑卒中、乏氧、代谢障碍性疾
1 Overview Status epilepticus (status epilepticus, sE), also known as epileptic status, that seizures frequently occur, so that patients in a seizure after the awareness is not yet fully restored, then entered the next episode. Usually seizures or a series of epilepsy episodes of more than 30 min called sE, but clinically for more than 5 to 10 min of the comprehensive tonic-clonic (GTCS) is also considered as sEll_I. SE has many causes, and age have a great relationship. The most common cause of SE in children is febrile seizures or infections with fever, followed by systemic disease or insufficient use of antiepileptic drugs. Adult sE to stroke, hypoxia, metabolic disorders