采用大剂量维生素C(5 0 0mg/kg·d)对 18例病毒性心肌炎患儿及 2 3例在生后窒息造成心肌损害的新生儿进行临床治疗。结果 :病毒性心肌炎患儿治愈 13例 ,好转 3例 ,总有效率达 89% ;而窒息后心肌损害新生儿治愈 2 2例。除个别心肌炎患儿出现注射部位一过性疼痛或出现呕吐、厌食外 ,未见其它不良反应。提示大剂量维生素C治疗病毒性心肌炎及新生儿窒息后心肌损害疗效显著、值得推广应用。
A large dose of vitamin C (500 mg / kg · d) was used to treat 18 children with viral myocarditis and 23 neonates with myocardial damage due to asphyxia after birth. Results: In children with viral myocarditis, 13 cases were cured and 3 cases improved. The total effective rate was 89%. In neonates with myocardial damage after asphyxia, 22 cases were cured. In addition to individual myocarditis in patients with transient injection site pain or vomiting, anorexia, no other adverse reactions. Prompt high-dose vitamin C treatment of viral myocarditis and neonatal asphyxia myocardial damage significant effect, it is worth promoting the application.