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1998年世界中学生运动会于金秋10月在上海市举行。我省参赛的两名女选手王冠君(省体校)、朱珊珊(哈师大附中)获一金、一银和二铜的优异成绩,完成了国家教育部、体育总局和代表团交给的任务,为国家和黑龙江省争得了荣誉。王冠君参赛的顶回是200米和4×100米接力。本次赛会 The 1998 World Junior High School Games was held in Shanghai in October. Wang Guanjun (Provincial Sports School) and Zhu Shanshan (High School Affiliated to Harbin Normal University), two female players participating in the province, won the outstanding achievements of one gold, one silver and two bronze medals, and completed the award given by the State Education Ministry, General Administration of Sport and the delegation Mission, won the honor for the country and Heilongjiang Province. Wang Guanjun top entry is 200 meters and 4 × 100 meters relay. This tournament
父亲最近好像有什么心事。  那天,闹钟一响,他立即爬起来,穿上西装,打上领带,拿起公文包,正准备换鞋,父亲从卧室里走出来,没头没脑地来了一句:“今天是星期天!”  “我知道!”他一边不假思索地回答,一边脱下拖鞋,穿上皮鞋。他虽然忙,还不至于连周末都忘记。  “星期天你还要工作啊?”见他没有停下来的意思,父亲又来了一句。  “嗯,见一个客户!”他拉开房门,头也不回地甩门而去。  父亲明明知道他日忙夜