据中组部干部局负责人介绍,截至2001年底,全国有各级各类干 部4051万人。其中机关干部693.2万人,占17.11%;事业单位管理人 员和专业技术人员2112.1万人,占52.1%;企业单位管理人员和专业技 术人员1245.7万人,占30.8%。在文化结构方面,大专以上学历占 54.4%,比1996年上升12.5个百分点。在年龄结构方面,35岁以下的 占45.6%;36岁至45岁的占30.3%,46岁至54岁的占19%,55岁以上 的占5.1%。在专业结构方面,事业企业单位人员中专业技术人员已达
According to the person in charge of the Central Organization Cadre Bureau, as of the end of 2001, there were 40.51 million cadres of all kinds at all levels in the country. Among them, 6,932,000 were government cadres, accounting for 17.11%; 21,121,000 were managers and professional and technical personnel of institutions, accounting for 52.1%; and 12,457,000 were enterprise management personnel and professional and technical personnel, accounting for 30.8%. In the cultural structure, college education accounted for 54.4%, up 12.5 percentage points over 1996. In terms of age structure, 45.6% were under 35, 30.3% were 36-45, 19% were 46-54, and 5.1% were over 55. In the professional structure, professional and technical personnel of enterprises and institutions have reached