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张庚(1911-2003)原名姚禹玄,1911年1月22日生于湖南 长沙。1927年毕业于长沙楚怡学校,后进入武汉黄埔七分校。当年考入上 海劳动大学。1931年在武汉参加左翼剧联武汉分盟,1932年在上海参加 中国左翼戏剧家联盟。1934年参加中国共产党,并担任左翼剧联常委。在 此期间,编辑《生活知识》等刊物,撰写戏剧理论文章,并根据梅里美小说 改编了话剧《秋阳》。1938年到达延安,任鲁迅艺术学院戏剧系主任,1946 年任东北鲁迅文艺学院副院长,编辑《人民戏剧》月刊。1949年后,历任中 央戏剧学院副院长,中国戏曲研究院副院长、院长,中国艺术研究院副院 长,中国戏剧家协会副主席、名誉主庠,中国戏曲学会会长。先后担任《戏 剧报》、《文艺研究》主编。是第六届、第七届全国政协委员,国务院第一届 学位委员会学科评议组成员。2003年9月23日病逝,享年92岁。著有 《戏剧概论》、《戏剧艺术引论》、《话剧民族化与旧剧现代化》、《新歌剧论》、 《论戏曲表现现代生活》、《戏曲艺术论》和七卷本《张庚文录》等。在张庚逝 世周年来临之际,本刊特约章诒和女士撰写此文,以飨读者。限于篇幅,发 表时有删节。 Zhang Geng (1911-2003) formerly known as Yao Yu Xuan, January 22, 1911 was born in Changsha, Hunan. In 1927 graduated from Changsha Chu Yi school, after entering Wuhan Huangpu seven branch. Was admitted to Shanghai University of labor. 1931 in Wuhan, left wing play Wuhan sub-league, in 1932 in Shanghai to participate in the China left-wing dramatists Union. In 1934 to participate in the Chinese Communist Party, and served as Standing Committee of the left wing. During this period, he edited the publications such as “Life Knowledge”, wrote drama theory articles, and adapted drama “Qiu Yang” based on the novels of Meri Mei. He arrived in Yan’an in 1938, where he served as the director of drama department of the Institute of Arts and Arts of Lu Xun. In 1946, he served as the vice president of the Lu Xun Literature and Art Institute of Northeast China and edited the monthly magazine of the People’s Theater. After 1949, he served successively as the vice president of the Central Academy of Drama, the vice president and president of the Chinese Academy of Drama, the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Arts, the vice chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association, the honorary leader of the Chinese Opera Association and the president of the Chinese Opera Society. Has served as “Drama”, “literature and art research” editor. Is the sixth, the Seventh CPPCC National Committee, the State CouncilThe first academic committee members of the review group. September 23, 2003 died, at the age of 92. He is the author of “An Introduction to Drama”, “Introduction to Drama Art”, “Modernization of Drama Nationalization and Old Drama”, “New Opera Theory”, “On Modern Opera in Drama Performance” and “ ”Wait. In the occasion of the death of Zhang Geng’s death, this article special chapter 诒 and Ms. wrote this article to readers. Due to space limitations, published abridged.
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