The First Session of the First National People’s Congress of Shanxi Province solemnly adopted the resolution on all-out efforts to surpass the task of increasing agricultural output and generally carried out the campaign of increasing output and saving; the resolution on supporting the draft “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China”; the resolution on the people of Shanxi Province Government work report on the implementation of the Shanxi Province 1953 budget situation and 1954 budget plan report on the resolution on the province’s planned soil and water conservation work in the resolution on the implementation of solidarity Chinese medicine policy to play a greater role in Chinese medicine resolution. The Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese Communist Party expresses its warm support and full support for all the above resolutions. At the same time, it fully agreed with and supported the various implementation plans adopted by Shanxi Provincial People’s Government in carrying out the resolution of the first meeting of the Provincial People’s Congress about “increasing production and saving,” “soil and water conservation,” and “unifying Chinese medicine.” In order to ensure the implementation of these resolutions and implementation plans, party committees at various levels are required to pay careful attention to the following points: First, the resolutions adopted by the party committees at all levels on the first meeting of the First People’s Congress of Shanxi Province and the provincial people’s government The implementation of these resolutions must be effectively discussed. In particular, the “Resolution on Striving for the Excessive Completion of Agriculture to Increase Production and Practicing Mass Production and Saving Movement” should be given special attention and should be based on the actual conditions in various places. Take active and effective measures to mobilize and organize the power of the entire party and arouse the broad masses of people to work hard to implement the resolution of the first meeting of the provincial people’s congress.