
来源 :中国医院药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyong006
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目的:优化超声提取莪术中的莪术醇与β-榄香烯的工艺。方法:根据星点设计-响应面法原理,选取液固比、乙醇体积分数和超声时间为自变量,莪术醇与β-榄香烯的提取量为因变量,采用响应面法模拟二次多项式方程的预测模型,理想度函数优化莪术醇与β-榄香烯的最佳超声提取工艺。同时,用场发射扫描电子显微镜观察超声提取前后药材表面结构的变化。结果:最佳超声提取工艺为:液固比为8 mL·g~(-1),乙醇体积分数为70%和超声时间为20 min,在此条件下,超声提取的理想度为0.84。场发射扫描电子显微镜的结果显示:超声提取明显破坏药材表面结构,使之疏松、空洞。结论:星点设计-效应面法可用于莪术中莪术醇与β-榄香烯的超声提取工艺的优化。 Objective: To optimize the ultrasonic extraction of Curcuma Curcumol and β-elemene process. Methods: According to the principle of star design-response surface method, the liquid-solid ratio, ethanol volume fraction and ultrasonic time were taken as independent variables. The extraction volume of curcumol and β-elemene was taken as dependent variable. Response surface method was used to simulate quadratic polynomial The predictive model of the equation and the ideal function are used to optimize the ultrasonic extraction process of curcumol and β - elemene. At the same time, field emission scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the changes of the surface structure of the medicinal materials before and after ultrasonic extraction. Results: The optimal ultrasonic extraction process was as follows: the liquid-solid ratio was 8 mL · g -1, the volume fraction of ethanol was 70% and the ultrasonic time was 20 min. Under this condition, the ideal degree of ultrasonic extraction was 0.84. The results of field emission scanning electron microscopy showed that ultrasonic extraction obviously damaged the surface structure of medicinal materials, making them loose and hollow. Conclusion: The star-point design-response surface method can be used to optimize the ultrasonic extraction of curcumol and β-elemene in Curcuma.
随着科学技术的发展和患者生活质量的不断提高 ,患者对腹部皮肤切口的要术亦越来越高 ,尤其是年轻的妇女腹部手术 ,常因术后留下瘢痕而苦恼。我院于 2 0 0 0年 6月— 2 0 0 1
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