在墨西哥历史上,71年来,第一位反对党人士披上总统绶带,执掌国家政权。他就是比森特·福克斯。 福克斯出生在墨西哥一个农场主家庭。他的父亲是爱尔兰后裔,母亲是西班牙人的后代,共生育了9个孩子,福克斯排行老二。福克斯生在首都,但出生后仅3天,母亲就带他到中部地区的瓜那华托州的一个庄园去了,他在那里度过了童年和少年。
In Mexican history, for the first time in 71 years, the first opposition party took the presidential ribbon and took charge of state power. He is Vicente Fox. Fox was born in a farmer family in Mexico. His father is an Irish descent, his mother is a Spanish descendant, a total of 9 children were born, Fox ranked second child. Fox was born in the capital, but only three days after his birth, the mother took him to a manor house in the state of Guanajuato in the central region where he spent his childhood and teenage years.