Objective To understand the status quo and demand of immunization cold chain equipment in Jimsar County, Xinjiang, and to provide a scientific basis for the future cold chain equipment update and management. The method was completed according to the requirements in Schedule 2 in the "Plan for Expanding National Immunization Planning and Vaccine Management in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2011. It was submitted by the township (town) specialists for prevention and control to the CDC and was audited and then imported into Excel For processing. As a result, the existing cold chain equipment in Jimsar County still can not meet the demand of expanding planned immunization. Two county-level cold refrigerators, three refrigerators, three refrigerators and 10 refrigerators should be added as soon as possible. 18 cold storage bags; village need to add 25 small refrigerators, refrigerated 43. No one in the county is responsible for the regular maintenance and maintenance of cold-chain equipment; lack of funding. Conclusion Governments at all levels in Jimusar County should promptly replenish the cold-chain equipment they need and repair and maintain the cost of cold-chain equipment according to the current situation. Supervision and management of cold chain operations should be strengthened.