Evidence for current diagnostic criteria of diabetes mellitus

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhl23
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Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable metabolicderangement afflicting several millions of individuals globally. It is associated with several micro and macro-vascular complications and is also a leading cause of mortality. The unresolved issue is that of definition of the diagnostic threshold for diabetes. The World Health Organization and the American Diabetes Asso-ciation(ADA) have laid down several diagnostic criteria for diagnosing diabetes and prediabetes based on the accumulating body of evidence.This review has attempted to analyse the scientific evidence supporting the justification of these differing criteria. The evidence for diagnosing diabetes is strong, and there is a concordance between the two professional bodies. The controversy arises when describing the normal lower limit of fasting plasma glucose(FPG) with little evidence favouring the reduction of the FPG by the ADA. Several studies have also shown the development of complications specific for diabetes in patients with prediabetes as defined by the current criteria though there is a significant overlap of such prevalence in individuals with normoglycemia. Large multinational longitudinal prospective studies involving subjects without diabetes and retinopathy at baseline will ideally help identify the threshold of glycemic measurements for future development of diabetes and its complications. Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable metabolicderangement afflicting several millions of individuals globally. It is associated with several micro and macro-vascular complications and is also a leading cause of mortality. The unresolved issue is that of definition of the diagnostic threshold for diabetes. World Health Organization and the American Diabetes Asso-ciation (ADA) have laid down several diagnostic criteria for diagnosing diabetes and prediabetes based on the accumulating body of evidence. This review has attempted to analyze the scientific evidence supporting the justification of these differing criteria. The the controversy arises when the normal lower limit of fasting plasma glucose (FPG) with little evidence favoring the reduction of the FPG by the ADA. Several studies have also shown the development of complications specific for diabetes in patients with prediabetes as defined by the current criteria though there is a significant overlap of such prevalence in individuals with normoglycemia. Such multinational longitudinal prospective studies involving subjects without diabetes and retinopathy at baseline will ideally help identify the threshold of glycemic measurements for future development of diabetes and its complications.
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