藁城市南营镇何家庄村倪英敏,种植大棚黄瓜、豇豆、小葱三茬连作,667m2(亩)收入1.35万元。其具体做法是: 一、春大棚黄瓜 选用高产、优质、抗病、耐寒、适宜春季大棚栽培的津春2号品种。苗床面积50m2(平方米),667m2用种150g(克)。2月初在温
藁 Niying Min, Heying Village, Nanying Town,, City, planting cucumbers, cowpeas and shallots with continuous cropping of 667m2 (mu), with a total income of 13,500 yuan. The specific approach is: First, the selection of spring greenhouse cucumber yield, high quality, disease resistance, cold, suitable for spring cultivation of spring Chunchun 2 varieties. Seedbed area of 50m2 (square meters), 667m2 with species 150g (g). Early February in the temperature