6月14日,作为特邀代表,南京长江第二大桥管理局派员参加了在韩国举行的世界桥梁与结构协会的年会;也是今年的6月,一篇关于南京长江第二大桥的论文提交给了在美国匹兹堡大学举行的世界桥梁学术会议…… 一座桥梁,何以引起世界的关注?今年3月26日建成通车的南京长江第二大桥,其先进性的内涵究竟是什么? 对南京二桥的质量,专家是这样评价的:国内一流,世界
On June 14th, as a special representative, the Nanjing Changjiang Second Bridge Authority dispatched personnel to participate in the annual meeting of the World Bridge and Structure Association held in Korea; this year’s June, a paper on the second Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing It was submitted to the World Bridge Academic Conference held at the University of Pittsburgh, the United States... What bridge has caused world attention? The Nanjing-Yangtze River Bridge opened to traffic on March 26 this year, what is the connotation of its advanced nature? The quality of the bridge, experts commented: First-class domestic, the world