At the turn of the century, a new product named “Fibre’s Fifth Revolution - Bamboo Fiber” was debuted. This kind of fiber, known as the “breathing” fiber by the scientific and technological community, has been rapidly and explosively launched from the beginning of its birth because of its natural freshness, softness, antibacterial, anti-moth, and anti-UV properties. Pop storm. In developed countries such as Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea, bamboo fiber supplies have replaced and replaced traditional fibers to some extent. Bamboo towels, represented by towels, are essential items for daily life. They have become popular products in shopping malls and supermarkets. People rush to buy and rush. Up to now, a large number of new products such as bamboo fiber towels have landed in our lives. Its health characteristics and skin-friendly qualities have also changed while improving the quality and quality of life of people.