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围绕征集高质量的兵员,为圆满完成征集任务的目标,我们按照重质量、抓廉政、树形象,力争跨入征兵工作先进单位的工作思路,在树好形象上着力,较好地完成了征集工作的前期任务。一是明目标争先创优。彻底改变人武部在上级机关、地方政府和人民群众中不良影响,树立公正、廉洁、高效的兵役机关既是军分区党委、地方政府对我们的殷切希望,更是人武部新一届党委班子的决心。提高认识,集中精力争先进、勤奋工作创一流,已成为征兵办人员的自觉行动。二是清思路规范程序。针对征兵工作相对 In the light of the objective of collecting high-quality troops and in order to satisfactorily complete the task of solicitation, we endeavored to work hard in the work of conscription and advanced units in accordance with the principles of focusing on quality, grasping integrity and building a good tree, and successfully completed the solicitation Pre-work tasks. First, clear-minded target first excellence. Completely changing the bad influence of the People’s Armed Forces Department in the higher organs, local governments and the masses of the people, and establishing a just, honest and efficient military service is not only the military district party committee and the local government’s earnest hope for us, but also the determination of the new party committee of the armed forces department . Awareness raising, focus on striving for excellence, hard work and first class, has become a conscientious action of recruitment officers. Second, clear thinking standard procedures. Relative to conscription work
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编辑部的叔叔、阿姨: 你们好! 我是一个乡镇中学的学生,因为我以前的作文水平不好,为了提高我的写作水平,父母就为我订了《全国优秀作文选》。不知是因为什么,从见到她的第一
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