2011年2月22日和3月11日,在不到1个月的时间里,新西兰南岛最大城市克赖斯特彻奇(基督城)和日本东北部地区分别发生里氏6 3级和里氏9.0级地震,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。有多名中国留学人员在新西兰地震中失踪。日本的强烈地震引发大规模海啸和核电站事故,亦对当地中国留学人员的生命和财产安全构成了巨大威胁。地震牵动了所有国人的心,中国驻新西兰使馆及教育处、中国驻日本使领馆及教育处组,以及震区留学人员在第一时间紧急行动起来,对受灾留学人员和中国公民提供全力救助。本文综合各方报道,详细叙述了这一救助的全过程。
On February 22 and March 11, 2011, in less than a month, Christchurch, the largest city on the South Island of New Zealand, and the northeastern region of Japan hit a 63 Richter 9.0 earthquake, causing heavy casualties and property losses. A number of Chinese students missing in the earthquake in New Zealand. The massive earthquake in Japan triggered a massive tsunami and a nuclear accident, posing a huge threat to the lives and property of local Chinese students. The quake touched the hearts of all Chinese people. The Chinese Embassy and New Zealand Office of Education in New Zealand, the Chinese Embassy and Consulate in Japan, the Education Section and the students studying in the earthquake area have taken emergency actions in the first place to provide full assistance to students who have been studying overseas and to Chinese citizens. . This article comprehensively reports from all sides and details the whole process of this rescue.