Example 1: Female, 41 years old. Due to swelling of the joint pain more than a year, increased 3 months admission. Physical examination: poor nutrition, blood pressure 124/80, right elbow, joint and left toe joint swelling, deformity, limited mobility. The rest without exception. Assay: 8.5 grams of hemoglobin, 3.67 million red blood cells, 6,200 leukocytes, 78% neutral, lymph 21%, mononuclear 1%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 85 mm / h. Newly diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. Given aspirin (1.5 g 4 times), prednisone (10 mg, 3 times a day), intramuscular injection of “703” and vitamin B 12 anti-rheumatic treatment. 18 days after treatment, patients with symptoms significantly improved, only