The old land tenure system in China is extremely unreasonable: 5% of the landowners and rich peasants own more than 70% of the land; and the majority of poor peasants and peasants have no or little land. Under the feudal landholding system, the vast majority of peasants have been experiencing extremely heavy manual labor and living a life of hunger and cold for many years under the cruel exploitation of rent, usury, commercial capital, excessive taxes and other super-economies. The feudal land ownership system is the economic basis for the rule of China by the imperialists and the Kuomintang reactionaries and is the general source of the peasants’ exploitation and oppression and the impoverished Chinese society. The experience of the Great Revolution of 1924 - 1927 proves that during the democratic revolution in China, the central issue of the leadership of the proletariat was the problem of peasants, meeting the land requirements of peasants to establish a consolidated alliance of workers and peasants so as to ensure the victory of the revolution . During the period from 1927 to 1931, the party’s land policy passed