疟疾曾是陕西省主要传染病之一,严重危害人民身体健康。经过几十年的艰苦防治,自20世纪90年代以来,陕西省疟疾流行得到了有效控制。2010年起陕西省启动消除疟疾行动计划(2010—2020),陕西省采取加强疟疾输入病例监测和处置、传染源控制及媒介防制等综合防控措施,逐步推进消除疟疾工作,取得了显著成效。2010—2015年,陕西省共进行“三热”病人血检458 076人次,血检阳性71例,发现并规范治疗疟疾病例282例。所有病例均在24 h内进行网络疫情报告,3 d内个案流调率及7 d内疫点处置率均达到了100%。自2012年以来,全省所有县(区)均实现了无本地感染疟疾病例,至2015年12月31日,宝鸡市、铜川市、杨凌区和韩城市完成了消除疟疾考核评估工作,如期完成了既定目标。
Malaria was once one of the major infectious diseases in Shaanxi Province, which seriously jeopardized the health of the people. After decades of hard work, the epidemic of malaria in Shaanxi Province has been effectively controlled since the 1990s. Since 2010, Shaanxi Province started the Action Plan for Malaria Elimination (2010-2020). Shaanxi Province has taken comprehensive prevention and control measures such as monitoring and treatment of imported malaria cases, infection source control and vector control, and has made remarkable progress in eliminating malaria. . From 2010 to 2015, 458 076 blood tests, 71 blood tests and 282 malaria cases were found and regulated in Shaanxi Province. All cases reported cyber epidemics within 24 hours. The case flow rate within 3 days and the outbreak rate within 7 days reached 100%. Since 2012, no cases of local malaria infection have been achieved in all counties (districts) in the province. By December 31, 2015, the assessment and assessment of malaria elimination in Baoji, Tongchuan, Yangling and Hancheng completed on time The established goal.