利用微波辅助提取山楂叶中总黄酮,并对其提取工艺做出优化。选取微波时间、微波功率、液固比3个影响提取效果的因素进行单因素试验,并以总黄酮提取量为指标,利用Design-Expert 8进行响应面分析试验。结果表明,微波辅助提取山楂叶中总黄酮的最佳工艺条件为微波时间120 s,微波功率400 W,液固比33∶1,在此条件下山楂叶总黄酮提取量为7.49 mg/g。“,”Using microwave assisted extraction of flavonoids in hawthorn leaves, and optimize the extraction process. Choose microwave radiation time, microwave power and solid-liquid ratio three factors that influencing the extraction effect single factor experiment, and the influencing factors of the extraction yield of total flavonoids in the use of the Design - Expert 8 for response surface analysis test. The results show that the microwave assisted extraction of flavonoids in hawthorn leaves the best process conditions are as follow: microwave irradiation time 120 s, microwave power 400 W, solid-liquid ratio 33∶1, under these conditions the yield of flavonoids in hawthorn leaves is 7.49 mg/g.