这两幅被孙道临同志珍藏的照片,撮于上个世纪的五十年代初,确切地讲.摄于1952年。当时.抗美援朝战争已进行了两年有余。在国际上,中国人民的勇气及胆略令世人瞠目、敬佩。在战场上.志愿军的不凡“出手”令对手胆寒。五个战役下来.战线便被我们牢牢的稳定在了“三八线”上,美国人不得不坐下来与我们“共商”停战事宜。也就是在这期间,孙道临与其他艺术家一起,来到了朝鲜。 据孙老讲.那次赴朝深入生活,上影厂总共去了十三位演员。在途经北京作短暂停留
These two photos, collected by Comrade Sun Dao Lin, are summarized in the early 1950s, precisely, in 1952. At that time, the War to Resist the United States and North Korea had been going on for more than two years. At the international level, the courage and courage of the Chinese people make people admire and admire. On the battlefield, the extraordinary “shots” of the volunteers made the opponents fearless. The five battles were down and the front was steadily stabilized by us on the 38th parallel. Americans had to sit down and “armor” the armistice with us. That is, during this period, Sun Dao-lin came to North Korea along with other artists. According to Sun. The trip to the DPRK in-depth life, the film factory to a total of 13 actors. In Beijing for a short stay