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奥运会是全球规模最大的体育盛事。在中国,举办如此大规模的赛事、如此全面地向世界展示中国形象尚属首次,既是机遇也是考验。为了迎接奥运会,山东举全省之力做好配合工作。山东省要求全省电力和电网企业要确保奥运会期间山东电力运营安全,以应对防汛、防雷、防台风的异常严峻形势,确保电网安全稳定运行。山东为北京奥运会、残奥会赛会共选出80名奥运会志愿者和20名残奥会志愿者,这些志愿者涉及英语、法语、德语、俄语、韩语、日语6种。7月上旬,来自山东科技职业学院的3000名奥运会安保志愿者奔赴北京,执行为期2个多月的奥运会安保任务。青岛作为奥运会协办城市,更是严密部署,全力以赴。青岛市筹备奥运会的各项工作从2003年开始就进入实质性阶段。同年该市筹划建设的奥运气象服务系统,投资3830万元,配置目前国际上最先进的多普勒天气雷达系统。此外,北京2008年奥运会赞助计划分为合作伙伴计划,赞助商计划和供应商计划三个层次。越来越多的山东企业在关注这一点,在分享奥运商机的同时,对奥运这一全球盛事也提供了莫大的支持与帮助。 The Olympic Games is the world's largest sports event. It is the first time for such a large-scale event to be held in China so that the overall image of China can be displayed to the world. This is both an opportunity and a test. In order to meet the Olympic Games, Shandong Province, the power of the province to do a good job with. Shandong Province requires the province's power and grid enterprises to ensure the safety of Shandong power operation during the Olympic Games in order to cope with the severe situation of flood control, lightning protection and typhoon prevention to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid. Shandong Province has selected 80 Olympic volunteers and 20 Paralympic volunteers for the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games. These volunteers include English, French, German, Russian, Korean and Japanese. In early July, 3,000 Olympic security volunteers from Shandong Institute of Science and Technology went to Beijing to carry out Olympic security missions for more than two months. As the co-host city of the Olympic Games, Qingdao is even more closely deployed and going all out. The preparations for the Olympic Games in Qingdao have entered a substantive stage since 2003. In the same year, the Olympic weather service system planned and constructed by the city invested 38.3 million yuan and equipped with the most advanced Doppler weather radar system in the world. In addition, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games sponsorship program is divided into three levels: partner program, sponsor program and supplier program. More and more Shandong enterprises are paying attention to this point. While sharing the business opportunities of the Olympic Games, they also provide tremendous support and help to the global event of the Olympic Games.
1996年11月16日,在深圳某学校工地上,八层高的风雨室内操场已进入封顶阶段。北京市某机械施工公司派来支援这个项目的技术干部王某在现场亲自督战。 这时,另一名技术人员A正
山东济南刘冬问:我们想看着贵刊向读者提供的电脑套件系统外形,贵刊有参考资料吗? 答:这套电脑系统的彩色照片在本期封底上,欢迎广大读者选购。辽宁兴城盛斌问:在谈到显示器
自1993年起对80例经过多种药物治疗及脱敏治疗效果不佳的变应性鼻炎,采用鼻中隔、鼻甲联合手术治疗,效果良好。现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组患者80例,其中男46
由于验光配镜不当 ,戴镜后往往引起眼部的不适 ,而影响工作与生活 ,尤其商业配镜更为明显。为了提高配镜的正确性 ,减少类似症状的发生。笔者根据实践所遇的各种戴镜不适原因
3月8日下午,宁波市消防部队在公安、劳动、卫生等部门的配合下,成功地扑灭了近年来省内外少见的货轮火灾。 On the afternoon of March 8, with the cooperation of public
Objective: To investigate the management oi angle-closure glaucoma byphacoemulsification with foldable posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC-IOL)implantation.