“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”。教师传授学生知识的同时还应教给学生科学的学习方法 ,准确记忆基础知识是学好历史的是第一步。但对于没有入门的同学来说,历史知识纷繁复杂,千头万绪,简直无从下手。很多学生把准确记忆理解为死记硬背,历史学科本来是有趣的,学生是喜欢的,并且也是学得懂的,他们担心的是记不住,害怕的是考试。如果有好的记忆方法,让他们能学得轻松,考得愉快,相信所有的同学都会喜欢历史。如何使学生会记、记熟,真正提高学习效率?其实这里边是有很多技巧的,在长期的教学实践中,笔者总结了几种方法,如果活学活用,做到举一反三,就可以既记得准、又记得狠。
“To teach people to fish as fish”. Teachers teach students knowledge should also be taught to students science learning methods, accurate memory of basic knowledge is the first step to learn history. However, for students who do not have entry points, the history of knowledge is complicated and troublesome, and it is almost impossible to start with. Many students understand accurate memory as memorization. History has always been fun. Students like it. It also learns to understand what they are worried about. Scared of exams. If you have a good memory method, so that they can learn easily, test happy, I believe all the students will like history. How to make students remember, remember, really improve the learning efficiency? In fact, there are a lot of skills here, in the long-term teaching practice, the author summed up several ways, if students learn to use, to get things done, you can remember , But also relentlessly remember.