Acute myocardial infarction is acute myocardial infarction caused by persistent ischemia and hypoxia. The main clinical manifestations of severe and lasting post-sternal pain, rest and taking nitrates can not be completely relieved, accompanied by increased serum myocardial enzyme activity and progressive ECG changes can be complicated by arrhythmia, shock or heart failure, often life-threatening . This article reports a successful case of successful rescue of ventricular fibrillation in myocardial infarction. Patients due to abdominal discomfort 3h, severe chest pain, sweating 1h treatment. Physical examination: conscious, acute painful face, blood pressure 110 / 75mmHg, heart rate 80 / min, low heart sound blunt, irregularity. Electrocardiogram showed frequent ventricular contraction, ST segment dorsal raised, ST segment depression of lead II, III, T wave inversion. Diagnosis of acute extensive anterior myocardial infarction. Immediately give masks oxygen, ECG monitoring, nitroglycerin 5mg intravenous infusion, chewing aspirin, clopidogrel sulfate, morphine intravenous injection and other treatment; the process of sudden systemic twitch, incontinence, loss of consciousness, touch the aorta Beats, immediately chest compressions, 360J asynchronous DC defibrillation after 2 times, consciousness recovery, a few minutes after the above symptoms, again chest compressions, defibrillation, and intravenous amiodarone and lidocaine to restore sinus Heart rate, ventricular rate 110 / min, blood pressure 90 / 60mmHg. Evacuation hospital line coronary angiography showed left anterior descending artery occlusion, balloon dilatation vessel implanted stent, the prognosis is good.