历仕南北两朝的文士王褒是和庚信并列的重要作家,搞清其生卒年及主要作品的写作年代,对于作家本人以及文学史的研究都有着重要的意义。现据有关资料考证如下。 一、王褒率年考 关于王褒的卒年,史书不详。《周书·王褒传》云:“建德以后,颇参朝议。见大诏册,皆令褒具草。
The scholar Wang Pao in both Southern and Northern Dynasties was an important writer who was tied with Geng Xin. To find out the date of his birth and death and the writing of the main works is of great significance to the writer himself and the study of the history of literature. According to the relevant data research is as follows. First, the Wang rate annual test On the death of Wang Bao, history is unknown. “Zhou Shu Wang Bao Chuan,” said: "After the Jiande, a considerable reference to North Korea. See Zhao book, are commendable with grass.