没妈的孩子象根草河南省郑州火车站。元月20日,这是人们赶着回家过春节的日子。成千上万的各地民工及旅客等在这里搭乘回家的火车。偌大的候车大厅里,站着的、坐着的、躺着的一应俱全,占据了大厅的每一寸地面和角落。候车的人们大多木然地呆视着,凝滞的目光里流露出他们渴盼与妻子丈大子女父母团圆的急切心情——“春节嘛,回家的日子!” 忽然,一声婴儿的啼哭仿佛从地平线上冒出,划破了吵闹的大厅,嘈杂的人群霎时不约而同地静下来。循声望去,啼哭来自大厅西北角长椅上的一个包被。好奇的人们渐渐围拢过去,争着要看孩子的脸。此时,一个中年妇女老练地把手伸进孩子的胸口,摸出一张纸条和50元钱。纸条上歪
No mom child like root grass Zhengzhou Railway Station in Henan Province. January 20, this is the day when people rush home for the Spring Festival. Thousands of migrant workers and travelers alike take the train home here. Waiting for a large waiting hall, standing, sitting, lying readily available, occupy the hall every inch of the ground and corner. Most of the people waiting in the waiting room are staring blankly, with their gaze showing their eagerness to reunite with their wife’s eldest daughter-in-law - “Spring Festival Well, Going Home!” Suddenly, crying as if from Emerging from the horizon, piercing the noisy lobby, noisy crowd instantly calm down. Followed by reputation, crying from the northwest corner of the bench on a bench. Curious people gradually surrounded the past, competing to see the child’s face. At this point, a middle-aged woman skillfully reached into the child’s chest and found a piece of paper and 50 dollars. Crooked note