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舟山群岛是中国沿海最大的群岛,扼南北海运之要冲,屏护甬沪杭和华东沿海,历来就是海防要地。1949年8月到1950年5月间,我人民解放军对盘踞舟山群岛的国民党军实施了进攻作战,经过多次较量,斗智斗勇,最终解放了舟山群岛。 Zhoushan Archipelago is the largest archipelago along the coast of China. It is important to punctuate the sea transport between the north and south and shield the coasts of Ningbo, Shanghai-Hangzhou and East China. It has always been a key point of coastal defense. From August 1949 to May 1950, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) conducted an offensive operation against the Kuomintang troops that had occupied the Zhoushan Islands. After many battles and wits, the PLA finally liberated the Zhoushan Islands.