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《世界主要国家综合国力比较研究》一书介评南开大学滕维藻薛敬孝衣维明王诵芬、陈沙和石小玉等同志编著的《世界主要国家综合国力比较研究》一书已于1996年12月由湖南出版社出版。该书源于“中华社会科学基金资助项目”,是作者们长期从事世界各国经济实力研究的结... The Book “A Comparative Study of the Comprehensive National Competence of the Major Countries in the World”, a book review of Comparative Studies of the Comprehensive Capabilities of Major Countries in the World, compiled by Comrades Teng Weixia, Xue Jingxiao, Yi Weiming, Chen Sha and Shi Xiaoyu from Nankai University, was published in December 1996 Published by Hunan Publishing House. The book from the “Chinese Social Science Fund-funded projects”, is the author who has long been engaged in the study of the economic strength of countries in the world ...