兴安盟位于内蒙古自治区东北部,大兴安岭南麓,总面积59806平方公里。所辖5个旗县市,82个乡(镇、苏木),858个行政(嘎查)。人口总数1517945人,其中;城市人口438992人,占28.92%,农村人口1078953人,占71.08%,人口自然增长率12.78‰,人口密度25人/平方公里。一、全盟卫生事业发展现状及分析 (一)现状 1、卫生机构。1989年底,全盟共有卫生机构250个,其中医院29个(包括中蒙医医院6个),中心卫生院20个,卫生院60个,门诊部、所110个,专科防治所6个,卫生防疫站6个,药检所5个,妇幼保健所
Xing’an League is located in the northeastern part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, south of Daxinganling, with a total area of 59,860 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 5 banner counties and cities, 82 townships (towns, and Sumu), and 858 administrative offices. The total population of 1,517,945 people, of which 438,992 urban people, accounting for 28.92%, rural population 10,789,53, accounting for 71.08%, the natural population growth rate of 12.78 ‰, population density of 25 people per square kilometer. I. Status Quo and Analysis of the League’s Health Development (I) Current Situation 1. Health agencies. At the end of 1989, there were altogether 250 health institutions in the League, including 29 hospitals (including 6 Chinese and Mongolian Medicine Hospitals), 20 central hospitals, 60 health centers, 110 outpatient departments, 110 institutions, and 6 specialist clinics. 6 epidemic prevention stations, 5 drug testing centers, maternal and child health clinics