以广州市会展企业名录为数据基础,运用缓冲区分析和Ripley K函数分析方法,探讨广交会的举办地流花地区会展企业时空分布及其形成机制。结果表明:①1957—2011年,流花地区会展企业的空间分布密度在逐渐加强,主要沿城市交通干道分布;企业空间分布的范围在逐步扩大,主要向东部天河一带扩散;②流花地区会展企业的空间分布呈明显的集聚状态,考察1991、2002和2011年3个时间节点,显示会展企业分别在0.5km、0.66km和0.87km的尺度空间呈显著集聚。同时,空间集聚的范围逐渐扩大,集聚的强度在1991年后明显降低;③影响会展企业空间集聚的因素是多方面的,主要包括大型展馆、交通和商务环境,城市规划及政府的产业发展政策也影响企业集聚,正是在这些因素的共同作用下,会展企业在特定地段呈显著的集聚状态。
Using the list of Guangzhou Convention and Exhibition Enterprises as the data base, this paper uses the buffer analysis and Ripley K function analysis methods to discuss the spatial and temporal distribution and the formation mechanism of the MICE enterprises in the Liuhua area. The results show that: ①The spatial distribution density of convention and exhibition enterprises in Liuhua district gradually increased from 1957 to 2011, mainly along urban traffic trunk roads; the scope of enterprise spatial distribution gradually expanded and spread to the east Tianhe area; ②The space of convention and exhibition enterprises The distribution was obviously agglomeration. The three time nodes of 1991, 2002 and 2011 were investigated, which showed that the MICE enterprises exhibited significant agglomeration in the scale of 0.5km, 0.66km and 0.87km respectively. At the same time, the scope of spatial agglomeration gradually expanded, and the intensity of agglomeration decreased significantly after 1991; (3) The factors influencing the conglomeration of convention and exhibition enterprises were various, including the major pavilions, traffic and business environment, urban planning and government industrial development Policies also affect the agglomeration of enterprises. It is precisely under the joint action of these factors that the expo enterprises show a significant agglomeration status in specific locations.