“我们只有一个地球!”科学家的警告震撼着我的心。 世界性的乱砍滥伐树木使生态平衡遭到破坏,人类已明显地感到其生存环境受到的威胁。敏感的漫画家们,早就把画笔伸向这个全球性永恒性的题材。他们展开想象的翅膀创作了许多幽默有趣而引人思索的作品。如:有的画鸟儿在在电视天线架上搭巢,鸟妈妈无限怀念地告诉小鸟们,“从前有一个美丽的地方叫森林”;有的画欲寻短见者手
“We have only one Earth!” The scientists’ warning shook my heart. The worldwide deforestation of trees has damaged the ecological balance and humankind has apparently felt the threat to its living environment. Sensitive cartoonists have long extended their brush to this global, eternal theme. Their imaginative wings created many humorous, interesting and thought-provoking works. Such as: some painting birds nest in the TV antenna frame, bird mother infinitely nostalgic to tell the birds, “In the past there is a beautiful place called the forest”; some pictures to see shorthand