如果陆炮、航炮和舰载火炮系统能够实现完全的通用性和互换性 ,那么将会大大降低舰载火炮的研制成本。火炮系统和灵巧弹药不同 ,后者可以极高的命中概率来弥补其昂贵的前期研制费用。人们也许永远达不到理想的“百发百中” ,但是精密制导弹药已经为期不远了。
If the land-based artillery, artillery and ship-based artillery systems to achieve full versatility and interchangeability, then it will greatly reduce the cost of research and development of shipborne artillery. Artillery systems and smart ammunition are different, which can hit the high probability of making up for its expensive pre-development costs. People may not reach the ideal “in every possible solution” forever, but precision guided munitions are not far off.