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观察膜肺(ECMO)过程对羊头孢拉定药代动力学的影响。通过在ECMO 前和ECMO 中对8 只绵羊静注头孢拉定,观察药物在动物体内的分布和代谢情况。与ECMO 前自身对照比较,ECMO 中药动力参数表现为清除相半衰期(T 1/2 b)延长(38.1 6.1min vs 69.8 17.0min P<0.01)总表观分布容积(V d) 增大(0.30 0.12L/kg vs 0.46 0.18L/kg P<0.01),而清除率(Cl)等其它参数无明显改变。体外循环中膜氧合器前后头孢拉定血药浓度测定结果无任何差异。(1)ECMO 治疗过程并不影响药物清除率,清除相半衰期延长可能来源于体外循环所致的总表观分布容积增大。(2)膜氧合器本身对药物并无清除作用。 The effects of membrane membrane lung (ECMO) on the pharmacokinetics of cephradine were observed. Cefradine was administered intravenously to eight sheep in pre-ECMO and ECMO to observe the distribution and metabolism of the drug in the animal. Compared with the former ECMO self-control, the dynamic parameters of ECMO showed an increase in the total apparent volume of distribution (V d) (0.30 0.12, P <0.01) when the phase half-life (T 1/2 b) L / kg vs 0.46 0.18L / kg P <0.01), while other parameters such as clearance (Cl) did not change significantly. Cardiopulmonary bypass membrane oxygenator before and after cefradine determination of plasma concentrations without any difference. (1) ECMO treatment does not affect the drug clearance, and the half-life of the clear phase may be derived from the increase of the total apparent volume of distribution due to cardiopulmonary bypass. (2) Membrane oxygenator itself has no scavenging effect on the drug.
为评价单侧应用喷鼻激素治疗慢性鼻窦炎对鼻粘膜中的炎性细胞和相关细胞因子的影响 ,选取拟接受鼻内窥镜手术治疗的慢性鼻窦炎患者 ,随机分为治疗组 (12例 )和对照组 (9例 )
患者男,28岁,右胫前褐色斑丘疹24年,渐扩展.患者4岁时右胫前中下段出现8 cm×9 cm大小淡红色斑,略凹陷,触之略硬,无自觉症状.皮损渐扩展至踝部,颜色渐变暗.5年后,斑片表面及周围皮肤出现绿豆大小淡红色丘疹,丘疹渐增多,变褐色,初发时散在,后连成片,触摸时微痛.曾用地塞米松乳膏治疗,效果不佳.3年前,原有皮损上又出现黄豆大小淡褐红色结节,无自觉症状,渐变为皮色,数目也渐增多.发病前1年患者