由我刊与东方天威汽车维修工程师俱乐部主办的“最新汽车维修技术与设备研讨会”虽然落幕已一个月有余,但是有关本次研讨会的议论和报道仍在继续。我刊专门为本次会议设立显著版位进行连续三期的特别报道,为更多没有机会参加研讨会的读者提供更多的资料与信息。 在此,我们衷心感谢各位与会专家与嘉宾,他们的精彩演讲博得了满堂喝彩;同时感谢与我刊友好合作的企业,他们的支持与协助为本次会议增光填彩!
The latest seminar on vehicle maintenance technology and equipment hosted by our magazine and the Dongfeng Tianwei Maintenance Engineer Club has been running for more than a month. However, discussions and reports on this seminar continue. I publish a special edition for this conference to set up a prominent position for three consecutive issues of special coverage for more opportunities for readers to participate in the seminars to provide more information and information. Here, we sincerely thank all the participating experts and guests, their wonderful speech won the full house applause; the same time, thanks for my cooperation with the publication of business enterprises, their support and assistance for this meeting to shine!