土壤吸收性能的研究,自上世纪 Way,Bemmelen 以来,吸引过很多土壤化学家的注意,诸如等。总的来说,土壤吸收性能的研究,主要集中于三个方面:1.土壤吸收性能,即土壤胶体吸附阴、阳离子的能力与植物营养的关系,问题的提出是以土壤中代换性离子是植物营养来源这一前提为出发点的。阐述不同种类及数量的阳离子,对作物生命活动及产量的影响。
The study of soil uptake has attracted the attention of many soil chemists, such as Way and Bemmelen, since the last century. In general, the study of soil absorption properties, mainly concentrated in three aspects: 1. Soil absorption properties, that is, the ability of soil colloids to adsorb anion and cation and plant nutrient relationship, the problem is proposed in the soil substitutional ions Is the source of plant nutrition as a starting point for this. Describe the effects of different types and amounts of cations on crop life activities and yields.