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2004年9月到10月之间,丛小姐到一家超市共购买了1100多元的生活用品。丛小姐先后四次到超市开具发票,每次,她拿着购物小票去换领发票,负责开具发票的服务台前都排了很长的队,单位还有一大堆工作等着她处理呢,发票都没开成。11月初,丛小姐到这家超市开发票,这次倒没人排队,可超市方面以她的手里的购物小票超过一个月开具发票的法定期限为由拒绝了她。她三番五次地与超市协商都谈不下来,把超市起诉到了法院,要求超市为自己开具购物发票。丛小姐:超市算计消费者丛小姐强调,超市私定出具发票的期限是违法的。这种给消费者获得优质服务设坎儿的行为,属于算计消费者的行为。在与消费者因索要发票发生纠纷后,超市仍固执地坚持自己的错误规定,与服务行 Between September and October 2004, Ms. Cong bought a total of more than 1,100 yuan of daily necessities from a supermarket. Cong Cong has four times to the supermarket invoice, each time she took the shopping receipt to redeem the invoice, responsible for invoicing the service desk are lined up a long team, the unit there is a lot of work waiting for her to deal with it Invoice did not open into. In early November, Cong Cong invoiced the supermarket, no one queued down this time, but the supermarket refused her because of the statutory time limit for issuing invoices in her hand for more than a month. She repeatedly negotiate with the supermarket can not talk, the prosecution of the supermarket to the court, requiring the supermarket to issue a shopping invoice for themselves. Cong Cong: Consumers Miss Cong Cong supermarket stressed that the privately issued invoice period is illegal. This gives consumers access to high quality services Kaner act, belongs to the calculation of consumer behavior. In a dispute with consumers because of an invoice, the supermarket is still stubbornly adhere to their own mistakes, and service lines
编辑同志:  我丈夫是一个买卖人,我们身边无子女。为了使我安度晚年,在生意兴隆、有钱时,他买了多份人寿保险,指定我为受益人,对此我很高兴。但商海难料,买了人寿保险后不久,丈夫的买卖开始赔本,一赔再赔,负债累累。红火的日子过去了,讨债的人不断,日子过得很清苦。去年丈夫猝然死去,家产不够抵债,债主们听说我丈夫死前买有人寿保险,且指定我为受益人,他们以保险是用家庭共同财产买得,保险金为其家庭共同财产为由
河北“赦免”民企原罪风波,显示政府和社会在如何解开这历史之结上,仍未下定决心 The turmoil in the original “giver” of private enterprises in Hebei shows that the
患者男,30岁,藏族,亚东县林场工人,主诉右侧下颌牙持续性疼痛3d,于1999-07-12来诊 。检查:患者张口受限Ⅱ度,46残冠,探痛(±),叩痛(+++),松动(++),牙龈红肿,其颊侧 前庭 沟有一波动性包块
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误区一:“常回家看看”不是子女的义务案例:王老太有一儿三女,均已成家立业。一直不定期地给她赡养费,有时还会带老两口到公园里 Misunderstanding one: “often go home a
律师同志:我儿子12岁时,因患病后治疗不及时,留下了残疾,生活不能自理。现在我们也已经年老,请问,在我们去世后,他的法定扶养人应当是谁?宁夏读者:温海 Lawyer: At the age
笔者将Dyract用于乳牙龋病的治疗共计306颗牙齿,成功率达97.71%,临床效果良好,具体情况如下。rn1.病例选择:乳磨牙中龋、深龋共计187例306颗龋齿,年龄从4~10周岁。 rn2.操作方法:除