蔬菜苗期病害主要是腐霉引起的猝倒病和立枯丝核菌引起的立枯病。据1984~1986年调查,两种病害造成的死苗率分别达30%和50%,连续多年种植的老蔬菜区则更重。为此,作者于1986~1987年,用甲霜灵处理夏蔬菜种子,提高了出苗率,抑制了苗期发病率。材料和方法 1.试验材料试验农药,25%甲霜灵可湿性粉剂(瑞士产);65%代森锌可湿性粉剂(国产)。试验品种:黄瓜为津研4号和温州青皮;番茄为日本大红;茄子为乌又绿。
Vegetable seedling disease is mainly caused by Pythium damping-off disease and Rhizoctonia Rhizoctonia caused by the damping-off disease. According to the survey from 1984 to 1986, the rate of dead seedlings caused by the two diseases was 30% and 50% respectively, and the old vegetable area planted for many years was even heavier. To this end, the author from 1986 to 1987, with metalaxyl treatment of summer vegetable seeds, increased germination rate, inhibiting the incidence of seedling stage. Materials and methods 1. Test materials Test pesticides, 25% metalaxyl wettable powder (Switzerland); 65% dexamethasone WP (domestic). Test varieties: cucumber Jin-4 and Wenzhou green peel; Japanese red tomato; eggplant is black and green.