来源 :Journal of Xi'an Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyhanhui
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Objective To study the cloning and sequencing of mature fragment of human bone morphogenetic protein 4 gene. Methods The template DNA was obtained from the human osteosarcoma cell line U2OS. By using RT PCR method, the cDNA coding for the mature fragment of BMP 4 was amplified, cloned into the vector pUC19, and sequenced by Sanger Dideoxy mediated Chain Termination method. Results The mature fragment of BMP4 cDNA was obtained by RT PCR and determined by sequencing. Through the computer search on Genebank, the analysis showed that the homology of nucleotides and amino acids between cDNA of rhBMP4 mature fragment of this study and the published sequence was 99%. Sequence analysis showed that there were two differences, one was at base 1154(201): G→C, which had no influence on the corresponding amino acids(Val). Another was at base1222(269):C→T, the mutation at the base 1222 had the change of Ala to Val. Conclusion The mature fragment of BMP4 gene has been cloned. The results will be of great significance in treatment of skeletal injuries and diseases. Objective To study the cloning and sequencing of mature fragment of human bone morphogenetic protein 4 gene. Methods The template DNA was obtained from the human osteosarcoma cell line U2OS. By using RT PCR method, the cDNA coding for the mature fragment of BMP 4 was amplified , cloned into the vector pUC19, and sequenced by Sanger Dideoxy mediated Chain Termination method. Results The mature fragment of BMP4 cDNA was obtained by RT PCR and determined by sequencing. Through the computer search on Genebank, the analysis showed that the homology of nucleotides and amino acids between cDNA of rhBMP4 mature fragment of this study and the published sequence was 99%. Sequence analysis showed that there were two differences, one was at base 1154 (201): G → C, which had no influence on the corresponding amino acids (Val). Another was at base1222 (269): C → T, the mutation at the base 1222 had the change of Ala to Val. Conclusion The mature fragment of BMP4 gene has been cloned. The result s will be of great significance in treatment of skeletal injuries and diseases.
为了探讨2种中药复方对肝功能的影响,我们进行了实验研究,现将结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1.1动物 SD系大白鼠,雌雄兼有,体重180~220g,由上海动物所提供。1.2药物组成与制备 清热利湿复方为茵陈柴
本文介绍一例磁力搅拌器电机损坏的检修。 故障现象: 所有标本测定值极不稳定,忽高忽低。 故障分析与检查方法: 测定值不稳定,与标本和试剂的混合池没有充分混合有关。首
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1956年,布莱恩·克兰斯顿出生在美国加州的一个贫苦家庭里,他们甚至没有自己的房子,全家人都住在爷爷的农场里。  布莱恩12岁生日的时候,爷爷带他去镇上的剧院看了一场电影。那是布莱恩第一次看电影,他立刻被电影里的英雄形象迷住了,他开始梦想自己也能成为一个了不起的演员。  中学毕业后,布莱恩面临着两个就业选择:一是去剧院打杂,没有薪水,但可以经常见到自己喜爱的演员;二是去钢铁厂实习,周薪12美元。最
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