东北珍珠梅〔Sorbariasorbifolia (L .)A .Br .〕是东北山区特有的多年生小灌木 ,当地人俗称“山高梁”。它在野外环境下自然生长 ,产量极高 ,仅露水河林区年产量即可达上千吨 ;它株形矮小 ,其貌不扬 ,然而却含有一种对治疗烧、烫伤有特殊功效的物质。只
Northeastern pearl plum [Sorbariasorbifolia (L.) A. Br.] Is a perennial shrub endemic in the northeastern mountainous region, commonly known as “mountain sorghum”. It grows naturally in the wild and produces very high yields. Only the annual output of the deforested forest area can reach up to thousands of tons. It has a short stature and a poor appearance but contains a substance that has a special effect on burning and scald treatment. only