以许疃煤矿选煤厂排矸控制系统的设计为背景,介绍了排矸控制系统结构、控制要求及实现方法。设计了适应选煤厂生产过程和生产环境需要的网络结构和控制系统,采用S7- 300系列PLC,实现对选煤厂主要设备起停联锁控制。采用西门子组态软件WinCC实时采集系统的运行参数,在控制室实现整个选煤厂设备远程自动起停与生产流程监视。
Based on the design of gangue control system in Xuhuang Coal Preparation Plant, the structure, control requirements and implementation methods of gangue control system are introduced. The network structure and control system adapted to the production process and production environment of coal preparation plant are designed. The S7-300 series PLC is adopted to realize the start-stop interlock control of the main equipments in the coal preparation plant. Using Siemens configuration software WinCC real-time acquisition system operating parameters in the control room to achieve the entire coal preparation plant remote automatic start and stop and production process monitoring.