弘扬茶文化 发展茶经济 福鼎举办首届中国白茶文化节

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2008年6月21日上午,首届中国白茶文化节在“中国白茶之乡”福建省福鼎市隆重开幕。本届茶文化节以龙头品牌企业带动为亮点,以“弘扬茶文化、发展茶经济”为宗旨,以提高茶叶质量标准体系建设为目标,以构建市场流通环节为重点,真正成为一次规模大、创意新、人气旺的行业盛会。 On the morning of June 21, 2008, the first China White Tea Culture Festival was grandly opened in “Hometown of Chinese White Tea” and “Fuding City of Fujian Province”. The current tea culture festival led by the leading brand enterprises as a bright spot to “promote tea culture, the development of tea economy ” for the purpose of improving tea quality standards system as the goal, to build market circulation as the focus, truly become a scale Large, creative new, popular industry event.
我厂研究所赤泥脱碱三结合小组,通过试验,找到了加压脱碱的良好工艺条件为: 压力 6(公斤/厘米~2) 加石灰 2~4% 反应时间 1小时 在上述技术条件下,脱碱效率可达60%以上,脱碱后赤